Welcome to the EUPA_NEXT project.Research demonstrates that the sector of office administration is very important and popular and will continue to be one of the first professions in demand until 2020. The project EUPA_NEXT is the continuation of a very successful project EUPA (Leonardo DOI) that has developed a qualification framework for administration personnel in four EQF levels (levels 2,3,4 and 5) as well as the assessment tool and training materials for level 2. EUPA_NEXT aims to assign credits to the qualification framework (levels 3-5) using ECVET and develop curricula and training materials for the trainer for the same levels as well as e-books for the learners. EUPA_NEXT will certify all curricula and training materials with ISO. Additionally EUPA_NEXT aims to develop an assessment for the certification of levels 2, 3, 4 and 5. The assessment will be ISO certified with a relatively new standard ISO17024 that certifies personal competences. |
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