Comparative Report (IO1)
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The objective of this deliverable is to identify the current situation of the countries participating in the consortium as far as EQF and ECVET is concerned. This analysis answers to questions such as:
- Have the countries in the consortium implemented their national qualification frameworks? Have they referenced them to EQF? What are the challenges countries face as far as NQF differences are concerned? How about the sector of office administrators?
- What is the situation of the countries as far as ECVET is concerned? Are the countries committed to the implementation of ECVET? Did they start the implementation? Are there any projects running? What types of methodologies are countries using?
- Is validation for formal, non-formal and informal learning taking place in the country?
- What is the situation with VET institutes? Do they know what EQF is? Do they design training programmes in accordance with EQF?
- How about learners? Do they know the European models? Do they search for training programmes of specific levels?
At the policy level EUPA_NEXT aims to create a European Certification for Administration Personnel. Credits are being assigned to learning outcomes and specific methodologies will be used to do that. The experience of the countries in ECVET is useful because applying methodologies that have not worked within those countries will probably affect the validity of EUPA_NEXT certification in that country. Additionally, EUPA_NEXT uses the sector of administration personnel as a case study. The methodology is transferable to other sectors.
At the sectoral level, learners that are aware of the two European models may appreciate the EUPA_NEXT certification more.[/read]
Methodology Guide (IO2)
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This guide specifies the methodology to be used for the assignment of credits to different learning outcomes to EQF levels 3, 4, 5. In order to develop this methodology guide the partners implements a desktop review of the methodology used by other projects and will brainstorm to reach a decision on the methodology to be used in EUPA_NEXT.[/read]
Certification Scheme for Training Materials (IO3)
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This certification scheme includes all necessary information needed for the certification of the training materials and materials (needs analysis, consultation with stakeholders, methodology, requirements for trainer etc).[/read]
Certification Scheme for Certification Assessment (IO4)
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This certification scheme includes all necessary information needed for the certification of the assessment (eg needs analysis, consultation with stakeholders, requirements of examiners, exam pre-requisite etc).[/read]
Three Qualification Frameworks (IO5)
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Qualification frameworks for personal assistants in four different EQF levels (EQF Level 2,3,4 and 5). Credits are being assigned to the qualification frameworks based on the methodology developed (in accordance to the ECVET principles).[/read]
Certified EUPA_NEXT training curricula (IO6)
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Training curricula for each of the four levels of EUPA_NEXT. The curricula respond to the learning outcomes of the qualification frameworks and be certified through the ISO (17024) certification process.[/read]
Certified EUPA_NEXT training materials (IO7)
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This deliverable is the ISO accredited materials for EUPA levels 2, 3, 4 and 5. The term training materials refers to the materials that are used in classroom training. Training materials include:
- Trainers detailed power-point presentation
- Innovative methodological tools.[/read]
Accredited EUPA_Next Assessment (IO8)
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The objective of EUPA_NEXT is to develop a formal certification for administration personnel in all four levels (level 2, 3, 4 and 5) using ISO 17024 that is a relatively new standard that certifies personal competences. The assessment promotes the identification of qualifications (knowledge, skills and competences) independently on the way they have been acquired. The structure of the assessment is in accordance to the certification scheme for assessment (IO4). The assessment consists of specially developed exercises, declarative statements, interview questions, simulations, role plays etc to assess the knowledge, skills and competences of the administration personnel.[/read]
Trainer’s guide (IO9)
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A practical trainer’s guide assisting the trainer in using the training materials developed by EUPA_NEXT.[/read]
EUPA_NEXT e-books (IO10)
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Ebooks for each level of EUPA_NEXT.[/read]
Policy recommendation (IO11)
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A policy recommendation aiming to propose the official recognition of EUPA_NEXT certification by policy makers in the countries of the consortium.[/read]
Best Practices Guide (IO12)
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Best Practices Guide is a set of guidelines that present in a practical and detailed way the steps for the development of a certified qualification in EQF level for any non-regulated profession.
The best practices guide takes into account:
- The comparative reports on the situation of the countries in EQF and ECVET (IO1)
- The comparative review of different ECVET methodologies (Comparative Review of existing methodologies used for ECVET)
- The experience from the current project[/read]