Completed: In progress:
Intellectual Output 1: Comparative report on the situation of the countries of the consortium as far as ECVET and EQF is concerned.
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O1-A1: Research in each country of the consortium and composition of a National Report
O1-A2: Comparison of the results of the National Report and Composition of a comparative Report
O1-A3: Design and implementation of a workshop for EQF and ECVET
Intellectual Output 2: Methodology Guide on the methodology to be used to assign credits to the learning outcomes (based on ECVET) of the EUPA qualification frameworks (levels 3,4 and 5).
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O2-A1: Research – Desktop Review of the methodology used by different projects that have used ECVET
O2-A2: Review of the methodology that has been used in the EUPA Project to assign Credits to Level 2
O2-A3: Brainstorming with Partners and Definition of the methodology to be used for EUPA_NEXT
O2-A4: Finalization of the methodology and Composition of a methodology guide for the assignment of credits to EUPA Qualification Framework
O2-A5: Dissemination of the methodology guide to the members of the consortium
Intellectual Output 3: Certification Scheme for Training Materials and Curricula.
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O3-A1: Composition of an initial draft of the scheme by CCC
O3-A2: Brainstorming and comments by the rest of the consortium
O3-A3: Finalisation of the scheme
Intellectual Output 4: Certification Scheme for the Certification of Assessment (Certification of Assessment leading to job qualification).
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O4-A1: Composition of the certification scheme Document for the accreditation of assessment
O4-A2: Brainstorming and Comments by the rest of the consortium
O4-A3: Finalization of the scheme
Intellectual Output 5: Three Qualification Frameworks of EUPA Level 3-5 with credits based on ECVET.
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O5-A1: Implementation of the methodology as this is stated in the methodology guide.
Intellectual Output 6: Certified EUPA_NEXT training curricula EQF Levels 2, 3, 4 and 5.
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O6-A1: Desktop research as a preparation for the development of the training curricula
O6-A2: Development of the curricula in accordance to the learning outcomes specified in the qualification framework
O6-A3: Translation of the curricula
O6-A4: ISO Certification of the curricula (Levels 3-5) including certification of Level 2 Curricula based on the certification scheme developed (O3).
O6-A5: Evaluation of training curricula Levels 3-5
O6-A6: Review and Finalisation of the curricula
Intellectual Output 7: Certified EUPA_NEXT training materials levels 2-5.
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O7- A1: Desktop Research as preparation for the development of materials
O7- A2: Development of training material Levels 3, 4 and 5
O7- A3: Translation
O7- A4: Certification of the training materials Levels 2, 3, 4 and 5
O7- A5: Train the master trainer (Learning activity 2)
O7- A6: Train the trainer by VET Providers in the Consortium
O7- A7: Pilot application of the training materials by trainers
O7- A8: Evaluation
O7- A9: Review & Finalization
Intellectual Output 8: Accredited EUPA_NEXT ASSESSMENT Level 2, 3, 4 and 5.
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O8-A1: Development of assessment contents
O8-A2: Translation of the assessment content
O8-A3: Certification of the assessment
O8-A4: Train the master examiners
O8-A5: Pilot test of the assessment
O8-A6: Evaluation of the assessment content
O8-A7: Review and finalization of the assessment content
Intellectual Output 9: Trainer’s guide.
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O9-A1: Composition of the trainer’s guide
O9-A2: Translation of the trainer’s guide
O9 A3: Evaluation of the trainer’s guide
O9-A4: Review of the trainer’s guide
O9-A5: Finalization of the trainer’s guide
Intellectual Output 10: EUPA_NEXT e-Books levels 2, 3, 4 and 5.
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O10-A1: Development of E-Book for levels 2, 3, 4 and 5
O10-A2: Translation of the E-Book in all the languages of the consortium
O10-A3: Development in electronic format and uploading of the E-Book
O10-A4: Dissemination of the E-Book
Intellectual Output 11: Policy Recommendation on the official recognition of EUPA_NEXT.
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O11-A1: Production of the policy Recommendation (CCCI)
O11-A2: Dissemination of the policy recommendation
Intellectual Output 12: BEST PRACTICES GUIDE- A Step by Step approach for the validation of Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning for any Non-Regulated Profession.
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O12-A1: Composition of: Best Practices guide- A Step by Step approach for the validation of Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning for any Non-Regulated Profession.
O12-A2: Dissemination of: Best Practices guide- A Step by Step approach for the validation of Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning for any Non-Regulated Profession.