
Completed:   Green Check Mark from    In progress:  0020    Pending:   bMB7QpX

Intellectual Output 1: Comparative report on the situation of the countries of the consortium as far as ECVET and EQF is concerned.  Green Check Mark from

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O1-A1: Research in each country of the consortium and composition of a National Report  Green Check Mark from

O1-A2: Comparison of the results of the National Report and Composition of a comparative Report  Green Check Mark from

O1-A3: Design and implementation of a workshop for EQF and ECVET  Green Check Mark from


Intellectual Output 2: Methodology Guide on the methodology to be used to assign credits to the learning outcomes (based on ECVET) of the EUPA qualification frameworks (levels 3,4 and 5).  Green Check Mark from

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O2-A1: Research – Desktop Review of the methodology used by different projects that have used ECVET  Green Check Mark from

O2-A2: Review of the methodology that has been used in the EUPA Project to assign Credits to Level 2  Green Check Mark from

O2-A3: Brainstorming with Partners and Definition of the methodology to be used for EUPA_NEXT  Green Check Mark from

O2-A4: Finalization of the methodology and Composition of a methodology guide for the assignment of credits to EUPA Qualification Framework  Green Check Mark from

O2-A5: Dissemination of the methodology guide to the members of the consortiumGreen Check Mark from


Intellectual Output 3: Certification Scheme for Training Materials and Curricula.  bMB7QpX

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O3-A1: Composition of an initial draft of the scheme by CCC  bMB7QpX

O3-A2: Brainstorming and comments by the rest of the consortium  bMB7QpX

O3-A3: Finalisation of the scheme  bMB7QpX


Intellectual Output 4: Certification Scheme for the Certification of Assessment (Certification of Assessment leading to job qualification).  bMB7QpX

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O4-A1: Composition of the certification scheme Document for the accreditation of assessment bMB7QpX

O4-A2: Brainstorming and Comments by the rest of the consortium  bMB7QpX

O4-A3:  Finalization of the scheme  bMB7QpX


Intellectual Output 5: Three Qualification Frameworks of EUPA Level 3-5 with credits based on ECVET.  bMB7QpX

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O5-A1: Implementation of the methodology as this is stated in the methodology guide.  bMB7QpX


Intellectual Output 6: Certified EUPA_NEXT training curricula EQF Levels 2, 3, 4 and 5.  bMB7QpX

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O6-A1: Desktop research as a preparation for the development of the training curricula  bMB7QpX

O6-A2: Development of the curricula in accordance to the learning outcomes specified in the qualification framework  bMB7QpX

O6-A3: Translation of the curricula  bMB7QpX

O6-A4:  ISO Certification of the curricula (Levels 3-5) including certification of Level 2 Curricula based on the certification scheme developed (O3).  bMB7QpX

O6-A5: Evaluation of training curricula Levels 3-5  bMB7QpX

O6-A6: Review and Finalisation of the curricula  bMB7QpX


Intellectual Output 7: Certified EUPA_NEXT training materials levels 2-5.  bMB7QpX

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O7- A1: Desktop Research as preparation for the development of materials  bMB7QpX

O7- A2: Development of training material Levels 3, 4 and 5  bMB7QpX

O7- A3: Translation

O7- A4: Certification of the training materials Levels 2, 3, 4 and 5  bMB7QpX

O7- A5: Train the master trainer (Learning activity 2)  bMB7QpX

O7- A6: Train the trainer by VET Providers in the Consortium  bMB7QpX

O7- A7:  Pilot application of the training materials by trainers  bMB7QpX

O7- A8: Evaluation  bMB7QpX

O7- A9: Review & Finalization  bMB7QpX


Intellectual Output 8: Accredited EUPA_NEXT ASSESSMENT Level 2, 3, 4 and 5.  bMB7QpX

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O8-A1: Development of assessment contents  bMB7QpX

O8-A2: Translation of the assessment content  bMB7QpX

O8-A3: Certification of the assessment  bMB7QpX

O8-A4: Train the master examiners  bMB7QpX

O8-A5: Pilot test of the assessment  bMB7QpX

O8-A6: Evaluation of the assessment content  bMB7QpX

O8-A7: Review and finalization of the assessment content  bMB7QpX


Intellectual Output 9: Trainer’s guide.  bMB7QpX

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O9-A1: Composition of the trainer’s guide  bMB7QpX

O9-A2: Translation of the trainer’s guide  bMB7QpX

O9 A3: Evaluation of the trainer’s guide  bMB7QpX

O9-A4: Review of the trainer’s guide  bMB7QpX

O9-A5: Finalization of the trainer’s guide  bMB7QpX


Intellectual Output 10: EUPA_NEXT e-Books levels 2, 3, 4 and 5.  bMB7QpX

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O10-A1: Development of E-Book for levels 2, 3, 4 and 5  bMB7QpX

O10-A2:  Translation of the E-Book in all the languages of the consortium  bMB7QpX

O10-A3: Development in electronic format and uploading of the E-Book  bMB7QpX

O10-A4: Dissemination of the E-Book  bMB7QpX


Intellectual Output 11: Policy Recommendation on the official recognition of EUPA_NEXT.  bMB7QpX

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O11-A1:  Production of the policy Recommendation (CCCI)  bMB7QpX

O11-A2:  Dissemination of the policy recommendation  bMB7QpX


Intellectual Output 12: BEST PRACTICES GUIDE- A Step by Step approach for the validation of Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning for any Non-Regulated Profession.  bMB7QpX

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O12-A1: Composition of: Best Practices guide- A Step by Step approach for the validation of Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning for any Non-Regulated Profession.  bMB7QpX

O12-A2: Dissemination of: Best Practices guide- A Step by Step approach for the validation of Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning for any Non-Regulated Profession.  bMB7QpX
