EUPA_NEXT proposal and priorities

EUPA_NEXT focuses on the validation of non-formal and informal learning and its permeability with formal education pathway through the use of a formal accreditation system (ISO). It aims to develop a methodology for certification of non-formal and informal learning of non-regulated professions and at the same time to develop an EU certificate for administration personnel.

At the sectoral level EUPA_NEXT focuses on two priorities

  1. Developing short-cycle post-secondary qualifications in accordance with the EQF. EUPA_NEXT adds value at the sectoral level through the development of an EQF based qualification (4 levels) for the sector of administration personnel. This qualification is ISO certified (using ISO17024 which certifies personal competences)
  2. Facilitating the validation of Non Formal Learning and Informal Learning and its permeability with formal education pathway through the use of a formal accreditation system (ISO). Using this certification people without academic credentials or experience may be certified based on what they know and are able to do.

EUPA_NEXT is very important at the Policy Level  (encouraging countries to progress on this EU Priority) Eupa_Next brings together partners from different countries with different activities in ECVET that will benefit from the exchange of experiences and from exploring different methodologies. ECVET is important for mobility and validation of Formal Learning, Non Formal Learning and Informal Learning.  At the policy level by 2012 member countries should have created the necessary conditions and taken the measures for gradual implementation of ECVET. Member states must now move from principles to implementation which makes the promotion of ECVET and the transfer of methods and tools a critical factor for its success. The project brings together countries at different stages (CEDEFOP Monitoring ECVet implementation 2013).

  • Cyprus is one of the countries where no/limited testing is taking place.
  • Slovakia has already formalized its commitment to the ECVET implementation but there is no ECVET project at national level.
  • In Germany most of the curricula and training regulations are input-oriented and with no systemic approach for validation of non-formal learning and Informal Learning although some ECVET projects are being implemented.
  • In France validation of Non Formal Learning and Informal Learning has become systematic and movement between training schemes is possible.
  • In Spain validation is possible and the process is output oriented.
  • In Greece the IVET system is input oriented. A legal framework for validation exists but is not in place.