Παρουσιάσεις κατά τη διάρκεια των δραστηριοτήτων μάθησης
Μαθησιακή δραστηριότητα 1, Κύπρος
Learning Activity Introduction
Presentation on EQF, Christiana Knais, MMC Ltd
Presentation on ECVET, Martina Bachmeier, Internationale Projekte, Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e. V.by
Presentation European Inventory on NQF 2016, CyQF, Andreas Eleftheriou, Deputy Director of TVE, CyQF NCP
Implementation of ECVET in Cyprus, Konstantinos Georgiou, Inspector Department: Secondary Technical and Vocational Education
Μαθησιακή δραστηριότητα 2, Ισπανία
No resources available yet
Βιβλιογραφία σχετικά με το EQF, ECVET
The European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning, European Commission, Education and Culture, 2008
Using ECVET for Geographical Mobility , European Commission, 2012
Kennedy, D., Hyland, Aine, & Ryan, N. (2006) Writing and using learning outcomes: A practicalguide. In, Implementing Bologna in your institution, C 3.4-1, 1-30
Typology of knowledge, skills and competences, Clarification of the concept and prototype, CEDEFOP, Jan 2016 (available at http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/publications-and-resources/publications/3048 )
The shift to learning outcomes, Policies and practices in Europe, CEDEFOP, January 2009 (available at http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/publications-and-resources/publications/3054 )
European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning, July 2009 (available at http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/publications-and-resources/publications/4054 )
Terminology of European education and training policy: A selection of 100 key terms, CEDEFOP 2008 (available at http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/